Saturday, February 19, 2011


It’s disheartening whenever I hear people talk about how difficult it is to survive in Ghana when the very same people have perfected an idea of “by all means”.
How can we all be successful at the same time? I am not sure that is possible but the hardships we face is mostly induced on us by us.
Most Ghanaians would point fingers at politicians and not their thumbs which brought the “thiefing” breed known as politicians to power. The fact is; as much as a politician may have the over-all good of the nation at heart, it does not mean he would overlook the needs of his immediate cronies. Besides, a politician would push for policies perceived to be of significant benefit to the nation as a whole and also a bringer of 10% kickbacks into their designer suits.
Since me and you can’t get kickbacks we have found our own way of extorting money from people and linking it to “ enimia/eye-throng/hi3 wa/nin pagre ”(hook or crook).
This starts from the market, to the barbershop, the trotro station and even to the church.
Why must we suffer so much?
I walked through dome market the other day to buy food stuff and surprisingly the differences in price tags where so huge and all they said was “things are hard”, if things are hard am I the one to make it soft. Every1 charges how much they want for anything and tells u “if you can’t buy go”. Is it not insulting to be told “woni sika aa wo se eduro enye”. I wonder who is responsible for pricing items and services in Ghana. I understand this may not involve government but all those who jump on streets every time there is a new government must be living elsewhere. The very difficulties you are complaining about is being perpetuated by your neighbor and instead of reporting to the appropriate authority you lash at “government”(the president). The poor service of electricity can partly be attributed to illegal connections and even them that don’t pay bills. Yet we complain. Are we a serious people?
We say prostitution is illegal, why do we have them lined up on the streets each night? Throw the whores in jail.
Trotro patrons like me have not been spared , trotro charges 1ghc instead of 60gp from circle to dome but yet no one cares about it.No one complains and when as a passenger you complain other passengers ask you to get off if you can’t afford to pay. It’s absolutely pathetic. Its well-known that Tip-Toe lane and the bus stop at circle towards Achimota has been overtaken by hawkers selling mostly stolen items and interesting I see members of the security services buying from them. If we aren’t a pathetic folk what else can we be?
It saddens my heart. The moral fiber of my generation has totally been thrown to the dogs but yet we expect good to come to us.
A generation that does not live within its means would always find a way to make extra cash, how they do that doesn’t matter.
I was surprised when tertiary students writing end of semester exams had t-shirts with the inscriptions “teachers call it cheating, we call it team work” eiii is this future leaders of Ghana. God save us.
Companies’ owned by foreigners have rekindled slavery. They employ one very educated Ghana-man and make him slave master and together they exploit and abuse workers who are paid peanuts. And woe unto you if you dare complain.
Where is the spirit of “ndorboa” (the practice where people helped till each other’s lands for food production in the villages). Where is the spirit of “if Ghana makes it we all enjoy”? Where is that spirit that made us think about each other’s problems and help solve.
Now it’s more of “each man for himself, God for us all”
I know for sure if these attitudes are not kicked out then we would suffer and suffer and suffer even more. If each one of us make a resolve not to cheat or help cheat I am sure we would be on the way to making life easier for us.(only in Ghana can a retail store make 250% profit on items)
Ghana will fail; it would be reduced to a large pond of criminals if we don’t change our perception about acquiring wealth and attaining success. “Hook or crook” won’t help us.

I am just making an observation and whoever cares to read and make sense of it can. But if you think am writing garbage, then I hope you never board trotro or walk around circle.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


It is a mystery why we fall in love. It is a mystery how it
happens. It is a mystery when it comes. It is a mystery why
some love grows and it is a mystery why some love fails.
There are a number of reasons why people fall in love. Some people fall in love for the right reasons. Others do it out of lack of confidence. They do not want to be alone. A lot of people love the idea of being in love but not the actual fact of being in love. Love is a bigger emotion than we perceive. Love is not just about the sex, the gifts, and the companionship; it is an emotion many have tried to understand so don’t be surprised When that person you so very much thought is in love with you ask's for a break up.
 Usually, we fall in love not just with a person that we find attractive and appropriate for us, but also someone who demonstrates that they are attracted to us. The fact that they are attracted to us offers a significant opportunity — when we perceive this, we feel a surge of exhilaration!
But is that attraction really “LOVE”?
Most of us would agree to the fact that something attracted you to that special someone you so very much love “today”. I am saying today because a lot of us has experienced that “today” before but now curse the day we met that “special” someone.
As much as we would find all the reasons to say why that person should have never walked out of our lives, we should also look at the sincerity “they” attached to the “goodbye”.
The bunch of us confuse good friends as good lovers. I do not dispute the fact that your lover can be your best friend, but my question is; why did we have to wait till our best friend broke up with their lover before we moved in?
Whilst others say love grows, others believe love is felt from day 1. In trying to understand this, I have come to realize a mistake we mostly make and blame the other for a failed relationship. Let’s take the situation where you have known a girl for some time and you both have grown very fond of each other. Unfortunately the other is seriously attached to another person. So you can’t talk about dating them. Now when a break up happens, the first point of call is you, because you are their number 1 confidante. What usually happens is, you try consoling them, and eventually you both start thinking how the two of you could be a perfect couple.(a big mistake) you are most likely going to start dating until your partner realizes they don’t love you. Then the problem starts, you will moan and groan over how much they deceived you into believing they loved you. But ask yourself, did you consider love as a part of what you were pursuing as friends? If no, then I think you should just keep mute over such a break up because you only came in as a savior when your friend was heartbroken. When you are heartbroken, you turn to believe your best friend is the perfect lover you should be with, but reality says otherwise. Our best friend won’t necessarily make a perfect lover for us. Love is stronger than the mere friendship that bonds you together.
You made a good friend don’t mean you would be a life partner.  
So don’t moan when that best friend turn lover asks for a break up. You should realize from day1 that you are a “friend” and like a good friend, you are expected to move in to help heal the wounds resulting from the break up, if you are not strong enough to accept the role as a savior you will go the road me and many have walked. You will be heartbroken and worse of all, make an enemy of your once best friend.
As people all over the world celebrate today as a world lover’s day, I just want to share this with you.
You are a savior of your friends when they are heartbroken; do not rush to quickly try to make that role become a “lover” role. For the end will not be good for you. If you both really want to be together it must happen when all the wounds of the break up are healed. Rationality is thrown to the wind when you mistake your role in your friend’s life and they vice versa. Some people would always be there to offer a shoulder to cry on, and that is exactly what your role is. If you find that your friend is moving too fast just after their break up, it would be best to tell your friend to slow down. Don’t let how you feel lead you into thinking they a grasp on their emotions. Remember a break up don’t take a day to get over. It takes weeks, months and sometimes years.
Therefore let this day be the day you start playing your role properly. Let this day be the day you start being a friend than trying to fit in the shoes of your friends “ex”. The shoes may just be too tight or too loose. You are a savior in times of a break up and the sooner you accept this, the better, for then you can enjoy a good friendship.
Happy Valentine’s day to you all.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


The words "i love you" are said to be priceless,what if i say the words "Jesus loves u", what would that mean? Well,for me, the love of God and Jesus sustains me. People would hurt me bt my God would neva hurt me. So next time u think u love that man or woman,love em like Christ loves you.